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Call for applications for new postgraduate program

Call for Applications for New Postgraduate Program at Entoto Observatory and Research Center/Space Science and Geospatial Institute for the Academic Year 2023/2024

The Space Science and Geospatial Institute is excited to inform you that applications are now open for the new Postgraduate Program (Msc and PhD) in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Remote Sensing, Space and Planetary Science, Geodesy and Geodynamics for the academic year 2023/2024.


  • Educational background of M.Sc. and PhD applicants:
Msc and PhD in Remote Sensing
Msc B.Sc. in Physics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Geography, Surveying, Geology, Environmental Science and Metrology, Geoinformatics, Geomatics and Geodesy, electrical engineering, Data science, land information system
PhD Msc in Remote Sensing or Applied Geography
Msc and PhD in Space Science
Msc Bsc in Physics, Meteorology, Applied Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering
PhD Msc in Space Science, Atmospheric Science, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics, or Applied physics and Mathematics
Msc and PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Msc Bsc in Physics, Applied mathematics, and Electrical Engineering
PhD Msc in Space Science, Astrophysics, any Physics, and Applied Mathematics
PhD in Geodesy
PhD Msc in Geodesy Geodynamics, Geophysics, and Geomatics
  • Applicant to the PhD program
    • He/She must have a M.Sc. degree from recognized university standing with a grade point average greater than or equal to 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.
    • He/She should provide evidence of capacity for research. This includes a master’s thesis published paper in reputable journal or other appropriate evidence of capacity to conduct research.
    • His/Her M.Sc. thesis result should be at least very good, or if it is a good result, he/she should have an article published on reputable journals.
    • He/She should identify at least one PhD supervisor (optional).
    • He/She should have basic computer knowledge and computational skills (Matlab/Python/R)
  • All applicants’ undergraduate CGPA must not be less than 3.00 on a 4.0 scale.

Application supporting documents.

  • Applicants should submit detailed CV and two letters of recommendations (one must be from his/her Msc supervisor).
  • Applicants should submit authenticated copies of official transcript and two copies of degrees and transcript certificates for BSc and MSc degree.
  • Applicants sponsored by Institute/University are required to submit a sponsorship letter.
  • Applicants should submit motivation letter (max. two pages) outlining why you want to study, what makes you well-suited to study in your chosen specialization.
  • PhD applicants should submit a short research proposal (max. 6 pages) outlining the justification, objectives, methodology and expected outcomes of a research idea.
  • PhD applicants are expected to make oral presentation of the proposed research and their capacity to undertake the research at selection interview.
  • Applicants should submit the application cover letter containing applicant’s full name as it appears on applicant’s ID/Passport, full contact details (Address, email and Telephone/Mobile number).

Duration of the Programs

The PhD program will have duration of 4 years and the Msc program 2 years.

Mode of application

  • In-Person: Near Foreign Affairs, in front of Hilton Hotel, Postgraduate office 2nd floor Room: 2-005.
  • Online Application: An electronic copy of the application documents in a single PDF format shall be submitted to postgraduate office, SSGI, email:
  • Application Date: 10 July 2023 to 31 August 2023 (ሐምሌ 3, 2015 – ነሀሴ 26, 2015)
  • Entrance Exam date: 18 September 2023 (መስከረም 07, 2016)


For competent PhD applicants, the institute will provide Golden Opportunities:

  1. Covering his/her tuition fees.
  2. He/she will get the chance to participate in the institute’s research programs as part of his/her PhD research work.
  3. Upon completing his or her PhD study, will be recruited in the institute.

Provided that the qualified PhD applicant is willing to sign an agreement with the institute

1 ****** Female applicants are highly encouraged to apply ******

For further information you can call +251-118720298/+251-118332474

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