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SSGI Completes GIS Training for Carter Center-Ethiopia Experts
The practical training that the Institute was providing to Carter Center-Ethiopia experts was completed.
On August…
Chinese Delegation Visits SSGI to Strengthen Cooperation
A delegation from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, led by Vice Minister Ms. Lin Xin, recently paid…
SSGI Launches Innovative Satellite Data Reception Service, Revolutionizing Global…
SSGI began generating income by offering a multi-satellite data receiving station as a service to various countries…
SSGI signed MoU with Addis Ababa City Land Acquisition and Registration Agency
The Space Science and Geospatial Institute has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Addis Ababa City…
SSGI Takes Center Stage at Aviation Expo: Showcasing Innovations, Commitment to…
The expo introduced the combined services of the aviation industry and geospatial…
Transforming Law Enforcement
Space Science and geospatial institute (SSGI) spatial decision support department has completed providing GIS and…
Registration Date for Year II and above Postgraduate Students
Date: September 26, 2023
Subject: Registration Date for Year II and above Postgraduate Students
127ኛው የአድዋ ድል በዐል አንጋፋ ምሁራን በተገኙበት በፓናል ውይይትና በባህላዊ ክዋኔ ተከበረ
127ኛው የአድዋ ድል በዐል አንጋፋ ምሁራን በተገኙበት በፓናል ውይይትና በባህላዊ ክዋኔ ተከበረ፦
("የአድዋ ድል የሁሉም ኢትዮጵያውያን የጋራ ድል ነው፥" /ምሁራን/)