SSGI signed MoU with Addis Ababa City Land Acquisition and Registration Agency


The Space Science and Geospatial Institute has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Addis Ababa City Land Acquisition and Registration Agency to establish a digital address system for the city of Addis Ababa.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Abdisa Yilma, Director-General of the Space Science and Geospatial Institute, and Gefawosen Desisa, Director-General of the Addis Ababa Land Registration and Agency.

During the agreement, the Director-General of the institute, Mr. Abdisa Yilma, explained that the digital address system plays a significant role in the economic and social development of a country. He emphasized the importance of making city service delivery efficient, modernizing social and economic activities, implementing the construction of the digital economy with the required quality and speed, and protecting the universal security of citizens.

The Director-General mentioned that the digital address system will be implemented across the country, starting from the cities and gradually expanding at the national level.

Mr. Gefawosen Desisa, the General Director of Addis Ababa City Land Registration and Agency, stated that the project will modernize the city by simplifying the economic and social activities of the residents, making it convenient and preferable for international business activities, thereby increasing the international acceptance of the city.

Mr. Gefawosen Desisa noted that the city is growing at a fast pace. The Space Science and Geospatial Institute are working in coordination with relevant bodies to create a modern city by developing the digital address system for cities. They are preparing to complete the digital address system of the city of Bishoftu, as stated by Mr. Agmase Gebeyehu, the digital address system project coordinator of the Space Science and Geospatial Institute, during the forum.

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