Invitation to the 5th International Annual Conference

Invitation to the 5th International Annual Conference on Planetary Aeronomy, Magnetism and Space Weather

The Space and Planetary Science (SPS) research division at the Space Science and Geospatial Institute (SSGI) is set to host the 5th International Conference under the newly branded theme, “Planetary Aeronomy, Magnetism, and Space Weather Annual Conference (PAMSAC).” PAMSAC 2025 aims to unite researchers, engineers, and leading scientists to share insights and updates on the latest developments in space, planetary, and atmospheric sciences. The conference will provide a platform to explore shared resources, capabilities, and opportunities for collaborative efforts toward common goals. By assessing the current status and impact of research and applications in these fields, the conference will facilitate knowledge exchange, encourage partnerships, and tackle the challenges and advancements shaping our understanding of planetary aeronomy, magnetism, and space weather. We are therefore delighted to announce that the SPS research division at SSGI will be hosting PAMSAC 2025 in a hybrid format (both in-person and virtual) during June 17-19, 2025, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Conference rationale:

Space-derived data and space-based technologies play a crucial role in assessing the vulnerability of communities to various challenges, including space and planetary sciences, space weather, climate change, and both anthropogenic and natural disasters. These tools are vital for monitoring the resilience of infrastructure and developing effective adaptation strategies. This conference aims to bring together experts in space science, climate science, and decision-makers to foster collaboration and deepen our understanding of space and planetary processes, space weather, and climate dynamics. By advancing our knowledge in these areas, the conference seeks to reduce the impacts of these challenges and support broader development initiatives. With significant progress in space and climate sciences—particularly in space weather forecasting, climate prediction, and the understanding of space-climate interactions—this event provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share the latest findings, offer constructive feedback, and exchange best practices. The goal is to strengthen ongoing research efforts, inform future developments, and contribute to practical solutions for managing the complex relationship between space, climate, and community resilience.

Objectives of the conference

  • Facilitate Knowledge Exchange: Provide a platform for participants to present their research findings and technological advancements.
  • Promote Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage networking and partnerships among scientists, industry professionals, and policymakers.
  • Develop Actionable Recommendations: Create a set of recommendations and best practices that can influence future research and policy in planetary sciences.

Conference theme: Planetary Aeronomy, Magnetism, and Space Weather Annual

           Conference (PAMSAC)

Thematic areas for presentations:

  • Solar Physics: Topics will cover solar wind studies, energetic particles, solar atmosphere dynamics, solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the Sun’s magnetic fields, solar cycle, and solar dynamo theory, as well as solar irradiance and high-energy phenomena such as X-rays, gamma rays, and neutrinos.
  • Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling: Presentations will explore magnetospheric current systems, the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, magnetic reconnection, and the dynamics of geomagnetic storms and substorms.
  • Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Atmosphere Coupling: This session will address ionospheric current systems, ionospheric electrodynamics, characterization of ionospheric irregularities, thermosphere-ionosphere coupling, space weather impacts on communication and navigation systems, and the effects of geomagnetic storms and substorms on the atmosphere. It will also cover atmospheric gravity waves and tides.
  • Ionospheric Modeling and Applications: Topics will include empirical, numerical, analytical, and machine learning approaches to ionospheric modeling, space weather and ionospheric disturbance forecasting, real-time ionospheric nowcasting, and GNSS positioning error correction models.
  • Earth’s Atmosphere Dynamics: Presentations will focus on atmospheric circulation, global climate patterns, climate variability, boundary layer meteorology, atmospheric chemistry and dynamics, weather forecasting models, urban weather, and air quality.
  • Space Applications and Instrumentation: This theme will cover both ground- and space-based systems, including remote sensing and Earth observation, satellite communication systems, planetary science instrumentation, space weather monitoring and prediction, radar and synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and advancements in space robotics and autonomous systems.
  • Planetary Sciences: Sessions will explore planetary atmospheres and their dynamics, planetary impact studies, and related research in planetary science and exploration.

These thematic areas will provide a comprehensive platform for sharing cutting-edge research and fostering collaboration across various fields of space science.

Expected Audience and Participants:

This conference is designed for a diverse audience, including researchers at all stages of their careers, scientists, engineers, and professionals engaged in space, planetary, and climate sciences and their applications. It will also attract space enthusiasts and anyone with a keen interest in these fields.

Expected Invitees:

We will invite leading researchers from across the globe, particularly those based at prominent institutes, research centers, and universities. These experts will share their latest findings, provide updates on advancements in space, planetary, and climate sciences, and highlight cutting-edge research frontiers. Special attention will be given to addressing the current challenges facing these fields, with a particular focus on the underexplored low-latitude regions of the African sector. This will offer valuable insights into both global and region-specific issues in space and climate science.

Submit your abstracts here

and/ or

Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 1 June 2025
Notification of abstract acceptance: 10 June  2025
Conference dates: 17-19 June 2025

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