Space and Planetary Sciences Conference (SPSC)


Invitation to the 4th International Conference on Space, Planetary and Climate Sciences Research

The Space and Planetary Science Department (SPSD) at Space Science and Geospatial Institute (SSGI) in collaboration with Bahir Dar University (BDU) physics department is calling for a hybrid (in-person or webinar) conference alternatives aiming at bringing together all researchers, engineers and lead scientists: in order to discuss and update each other on the current developments of space, planetary and atmospheric sciences to explore our resources, capabilities and opportunities for a concerted partnership on common goals.

Rationale of the conference:

Space derived information and space-based technologies are important to assess the vulnerability of communities to space and planetary sciences, space weather, climate changes and other anthropogenic and natural disasters. These know-hows can help to monitor the effectiveness of resilient structures and to develop adaptation strategies. This conference is aimed at linking space and climate experts with decision makers to collaborate on ways of understanding the status of space and planetary sciences, space weather, climate change, space and climate processes.

This new understanding is aimed at reducing the impacts and to aid other development activities. There have been progressive advancements regarding space and climate science associated with space weather forecasting, climate prediction and understanding the space and climate processes.

This conference is therefore amid to update each other of the status of research and applications in the space, planetary and climate sciences, to get and provide constructive feedback, and to gain insights into best practices for future research developments.

Conference theme: Space and Planetary Sciences Conference (SPSC)

Thematic areas for presentations:

  • Solar physics
    • energetic particles
    • flares and CMEs
    • magnetic fields
    • solar activity cycle,
    • solar irradiance, x-rays, gamma rays and neutrinos
  • Solar wind-magnetospheric coupling: Magnetospheric current systems and other dynamics
  • Magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling
    • ionospheric current system
    • ionospheric characterization
    • ionospheric irregularities
    • space weather
    • space radiation environment
  • Ionospheric modeling and applications: Empirical, Numerical, analytical, machine learning approaches, etc
  • Earth’s atmosphere dynamics
    • climate change and variability
    • modeling and weather forecasting
    • urban weather and air quality
  • Space applications and instrumentation: ground and space born systems
  • Planetary sciences (specific to atmosphere of other plants)

Expected audience and participants:
Researchers including early career researchers, scientists, engineers interested in the fields of space, planetary and climate sciences, and applications, space enthusiasts and any interested individuals.

Expected invitees: We will reach out to established researchers in the fields of space, planetary and climate sciences working at different institutes, research centers and universities around the globe so that they share their experiences, update on the research developments, highlight on recent research frontiers as well as point out on the current challenges in the fields of space, planetary and climate sciences and applications in general, and inadequately studied low latitudes region of the African sector in particular.

Abstract submission format
An extended abstract has to be submitted to the workshop organizers through the dedicated emails outlined below. An extended abstract is a summarized form of a full paper containing title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion and references. It should also include names of author and co-authors and their respective affiliations. The full content of an extended abstract should be limited to a maximum of four pages including the references. You may send your abstracts to the address below.

Send your abstracts through:
Email: Yekoye Asmare (SSGI) and Ambelu Tebabal (BDU)
In case you encounter a problem during submission or have questions regarding the conference, you may contact us through ( Yekoye Asmare)
Cell phone: (+251) 940474377 (Dr. Ambelu Tebabal)
Cell phone: (+251) 911 05 42 76

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline: 10 May 2024
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 May 2024
Conference dates: 29-30 May 2024.

Note that for in-person oral presenters who can cover the transport and accommodation 
expenses,the presentation will be held at SSGI or arranged hotel (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
For remote presenters, a zoom platform will be arranged later.


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